measurement guide
In order for your rope collar to fit perfectly, it is necessary that the circumference of your dog's neck is measured correctly.
You can find the full instructions on our blog.
What you need
1. Your dog in "sit" or "stand"
2. Flexible tape measure
Alternatively: cord & ruler/folding rule
Measurement directly on the dog

- Get the dog to sit/stand
- Measure tightly (also note the thickness of the fur - don't worry you won't hurt your dog)
- Carry out test measurements
- The tape measure is correct when it can no longer be pulled over the dog's head and is snug around the dog's neck
- If you measure with "cord & ruler", mark the point at which the cord overlaps and then measure the length with the ruler.
- Don't count any tolerances & no "finger widths", we'll do that for you !!
- the neck circumference lists from the search networks (Google & Co.) rarely match reality and are oversized. It is best not to read any "orientation values" from this